The case against time management There will never be enough time to do all the things you wish to do, so a new approach is called for. Starting with acceptance.
Saturday Blueprint on Stress Sick A reflection a year on from having a breakdown and how I have changed in response to this.
Saturday Blueprint on Suffering Hi 👋. Here is this week's Saturday Blueprint. 🤔 Quote I’m thinking about On suffering: Pathei mathos (An Ancient Greek saying meaning 'through suffering comes understanding') Dean Karnazes had once said, that people mistake comfort for happiness. ‘Happiness needs to be earned’. If happiness wasn’t in
Complete guide to running periodisation General Theory of Running Periodisation 1. Base building – improve aerobic fitness. 2. Strength and speed building – improve LT, strength and speed. 3. Specificity and peaking – improve aerobic threshold (marathon pace). 4. Tapering. Specific Periodisation Approaches My Combined Approach Based on all the reading I’ve done, this is my preferred
Saturday Blueprint summer break I'm taking a summer break from writing the Saturday Blueprint. I'll be back soon. In the meantime, enjoy the summer. Speak soon.