Saturday Blueprint on Work-Life Balance Work-life balance is not an equation to solve, but there are some tips to help navigate the choppy seas of work and life.
Saturday Blueprint on Flow A flow state is a state of optimal performance and deep immersion in an activity, characterised by a heightened sense of focus.
Saturday Blueprint on Free Will and the Self We explore the illusion of free will and the absence of a self, highlighting the realisation that thoughts and actions arise unconsciously.
Saturday Blueprint on Injury Another late-night trip to Accident and Emergency with my daughter and a bit of reflection on the experience.
Saturday Blueprint on the Sidmouth Saunter The Sidmouth Saunter is an 18 or 30-mile walk or run event organized by the Long Distance Walkers Association (LDWA). This is a summary of my race in 2023, and some lessons learnt from the experience.
Saturday Blueprint on the Seasons The combination of sun, water, and family in Spring is uplifting for my soul.